
6 theses on Entrepreneur Fund membership

Dare to venture – you can rely on us for security
Dare to venture

Unemployment may seem like a fairway thought for many entrepreneurs. But entrepreneurship always involves risk-taking: about every second business terminates its operations within 5 years after establishment. 

If you are working as an entrepreneur, you should insure yourself for the  case that you would be required to discontinue your business. By joining the Entrepreneur Fund, you can ascertain income-related unemployment security in case you would become unemployed. 

Nainen kukkakaupassa hymyilee
For whom is the Entrepreneur Fund intended?

Entrepreneurs can join  the Entrepreneur Fund regardless of branch of industry or company form. But most importantly, you must be considered an entrepreneur as provided for in the Unemployment Security Act to qualify for membership.

In other words, you can become a member of the Entrepreneur Fund provided that you are an entrepreneur, and the annual work income which your pension insurance (YEL, MYEL or TyEL) is based on is at least € 15,128  in 2025.

Kauppias asettelee hyllyyn vaaleanpunaisia Berliini-munkkeja
What are benefits of being a member of the Entrepreneur Fund?

The Entrepreneur Fund pays income-related daily allowance to its unemployed members.

 You must be a fund member in order to qualify for income-related daily allowance.

You can be paid a daily unemployment allowance for a maximum of 300, 400 or 500 days, 5 days per week.

Taksikuski hymyilee punaisessa autossaan
When are entrepreneurs entitled to income-related daily allowance?

You are entitled to income-related daily allowance if you have been working as an entrepreneur and you have been a member of the Entrepreneur Fund at least 15 months in the course of the latest 48 months. Your pension insurance must also have been in force at least at minimum level, 

€ 15,128 per year (2025 level). Sales profit periodisation may postpone the start date of daily allowance payments.

Your business operations must also have been terminated or your employment with the company must have ended. 

Income-related daily allowance can be paid at most until you turn 65 years.

Autokorjaaja hymyilee putsatessaan mustaa autoa.
How do I select my insurance level?

When you join the Entrepreneur fund you must select your insurance level yourself. In 2025, your insurance level must be at least € 15,128. Your maximum insurance level equals the annual work income, which your pension insurance is based on. 

Nainen farkkupaidassa hymyilee ja asettelee pöydällä olevia papereita.
What is the cost of membership?

Fund membership fees are based on selected insurance levels. In 2024, our tax-deductible membership fee is below € 8 per month at minimum level.

Kukkakauppias katselee vakavana kädessään pitämäänsä viherkasvia.

I wish to sign up for insurance with the Entrepreneur Fund

I wish to calculate the amount of my daily allowance and my membership fee

Select the type of daily allowance from the menu. Enter your chosen insurance level (€/year or €/month) e.g. 15 128. Enter any income or social benefits you have received during the daily allowance period. Enter the withholding percentage in the format xx,xx. E.g. 26.50. When you have filled in the necessary fields, press the CALCULATE button.

Daily allowance is staggered if your business activity has ended and your unemployment has begun on or after September 2, 2024. The full earnings allowance can be paid for 40 days, after which it is staggered. The full daily allowance drops to 80 percent for days 41–170 and is 75 percent from day 171 onwards.

Payment of the full daily allowance and the staggering of allowance start over from the beginning when you meet the 15-month entrepreneur’s work requirement and your daily allowance is recalculated.

€ / year
Päivärahaa vähentävät ansiot/etuudet
€ / m
€ / day
€ / m
€ / day

Lasketut arvot

€ / day
€ / m
€ / m
€ / m
€ / year
€ / m
Päivärahasi on laskettu antamiesi tietojen pohjalta. Koska päivärahaan voivat vaikuttaa myös muut, tässä esiintymättömät tiedot, ei laskelma ole työttömyyskassaasi sitova.

From wage-earner to entrepreneur – your option for uninterrupted unemployment security

If you are a member of an unemployment fund for entrepreneurs and decide to become an entrepreneur, you should join the Entrepreneur Fund within one month counting from the date you become an entrepreneur. By doing this, you secure your option for uninterrupted income security.

Please watch the animation video: From wage-earner to entrepreneur.