How do part-time and full-time work affect your allowance

It is possible to take on part-time or short time work during unemployment without losing your right to unemployment allowance. Allowance is not paid for periods of full-time employment of more than two weeks in duration but can be paid for the fully unemployed days.

The Entrepreneur Fund receives information of your wages and benefits from the Incomes Register, meaning you are not required to send in payslips. However, income generated through some form of business activity is not logged into the Income Register and you are required to inform the fund of any business income yourself.

If you have taken on part-time or short-time employment:

  • notify both the fund and the employment authority
  • attach an employment contract to your allowance application
  • report your working hours on the unemployment allowance application

Adjusted allowance

Income earned during unemployment is adjusted with your daily allowance. According to the mediation rule, half of your income is deducted from the unemployment benefit payable. Adjustment is carried out based on income information received from the Incomes Register, if you are working part-time as a wage-earner. In case some or all of your income information isn’t available from the register, we will request a pay slip from you.

If, however, your income is from entrepreneurial activities, adjustment is carried out based on accounting records.

Calculate your adjusted allowance

Calculate your estimated adjusted allowance using our daily allowance calculator.