Keep your job search valid
Keep your job search valid and notify the employment authority of any changes
To apply for unemployment allowance, you must be registered as an unemployed job seeker with the employment authority. Among other things the employment authority will monitor your jobs search and may send you offers of employment or requests for clarification. Be sure to follow the employment authority’s instructions and always respond to their information requests on time and using the correct method of communication.
If you have any questions on the services offered by the employment authority, please contact the national helpline at 0295 020 713 for service in English.
The employment authority can set a suspension period for an applicant. A suspension period, means a period during which benefits are not paid due to for example the following reasons:
- Resignation or refusal to work
- Refusal or discontinuation of participation in employment promoting services
- Refusal to prepare or update your employment plan
The employment authority will also decide whether you are entitled to apply for unemployment allowance when:
- you are self-employed while applying for allowance
- you participate in an employment promoting service
- you take up studies
Employment, self-employment, sickness and travels
Keep the employment authority informed of any changes to your situation such as new employment or self-employment, periods of sickness and extended travels.
You must work less than 80 per cent of a full-time employee’s working hours per week in order to receive adjusted daily allowance during part-time work, full-time work that’s under two weeks in duration and lay-offs. The adjustment period is either one month or four consecutive calendar weeks. Income from your part-time work is adjusted based on information received form the Incomes Register, or if the information has not been entered in the Incomes Register, the adjustment is based on a payslip provided by your employer.
Notify the employment authority and the fund if you start entrepreneurial activities during unemployment. To receive adjusted allowance while operating a business it is required that either the entrepreneurial activity in question lasts for a maximum of two weeks, or that the entrepreneurial activity has been deemed part-time by the employment authority. Self-employment that has been started during unemployment using a billing service is often viewed as part-time employment.
If you start a business during unemployment the employment authority will examine whether it counts as part-time or full-time employment after 4 months from starting the business activities. You are however, required to notify the employment authority immediately when starting business activities. The fund will pay adjusted daily allowance to you during self-employment based on a monthly profit and loss account.