Personal data protection
Unemployment Fund for Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur Fund) carries out tasks as specified in the Unemployment Act i.e., providing earnings-related unemployment security and associated benefits for its’ members. To execute these tasks the Entrepreneur Fund maintains and processes personal data of its’ members and persons receiving benefits. Personal data is handled in accordance to the Unemployment Act.
Controller: Unemployment Fund for Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur Fund), Business identity code 0992639-5, Museokatu 8, 00100 Helsinki.
Name of the register: member and payment register of the Entrepreneur Fund
Contact in issues related to the register:
Privacy policy
What kind of data does the Entrepreneur Fund collect?
The purpose of handling personal data is to carry out duties as specified in the Unemployment Fund Act (työttömyyskassalaki 603/1984) and the Unemployment Security Act (työttömyysturvalaki 1290/2002).
The Entrepreneur Fund collects data from persons applying for membership, fund members and members applying for benefits, employers, providers of employment promoting measures, other authorities and organisations carrying out a public duty. In addition, data is collected from other authorities’ registries to which the fund has legal access.
The Entrepreneur Fund collect data solely for the purposes stated above and only in the extent necessary for carrying out said duties. The Entrepreneur Fund strives to ensure that the data collected is correct, complete, and up to date. Either a personal identity code or a member ID is used by the Entrepreneur Fund to identify a person. Sensitive information such as the state of a person’s health may be accessed during the process of granting benefits.
Handling of personal data in the fund is based on chapter 2, section 8, subparagraph 4 and chapter 3, section 12, subsection 1, subparagraph 5 and section 13 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999).
Contents of the registry:
- personal identity code and name (last and first), language, contact information, bank account number.
- type of company, business ID/ company name, position in the company, ownership, power of control.
- insurance level, pension insurance company, date of taking out pension insurance, level of insurance.
- date of joining the fund, date of resignation from the fund, membership fees, exemption form membership fees, reduced membership fees.
- applications and attachments
- decisions, recovery of allowances, monitoring of the work requirement, employment history.
- entries and notes during processing.
- possible previous unemployment fund memberships (for determining the right to post protection).
- information pertaining to telephone calls from members i.e., date, and duration of the call along with the code of the personnel taking the call. Telephone calls are recorded to ensure the rights of both parties. Recordings may be used to improve the quality of customer service. Recording is carried out according to data protection guidelines and the recordings will not be used for any other purposes, nor will they be shared with third parties.
You have the right to inspect data collected about you
All persons in the registry are entitled to check the information regarding themselves in the registry and have the right to request for any potential errors to be rectified. Your right to inspect the data collected about you is based on chapter 6, Section 26 of the Personal Data Act. The right to inspect your personal data is free of charge.
Disclosing data
Personal data of persons in the registry can be disclosed to authorities such as the employment authority, the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Tax Authority, the Employment Fund, or any other authorities that have the right to receive information form the fund. Information will not be disclosed to third parties or for the purposes of direct marketing. The Entrepreneur Fund can employ sub-contractors to carry out services, to whom data can be disclosed for instance for mailing of written materials. Any sub-contractors employed by the fund are required to enter a binding agreement of non-disclosure of data.
Unemployment Security Act (1290/2002), chapter 13
Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999)
Personal Data Act (523/1999)
Transferring data outside the EU or EEA
The Entrepreneur Fund does not transfer data outside the EU or EEA, unless otherwise specified in current legislation or an international agreement binding Finland.
Your data is safe in the Entrepreneur Fund
The Entrepreneur Fund’s personnel are bound by professional secrecy as required by law and have entered into a binding agreement of non-disclosure at the start of their employment.
The Entrepreneur Fund has an internal data network of high information security. The encryption technology used for transferring personal data over public data network is sufficiently secure.
The digital member registry and the benefits registry are secured by ICT-providers using strong encryption and a firewall.
Non-digital information is stored in a securely locked space that is equipped with an alarm system.